The WA Football Commission is pleased to confirm that community football training can resume
under set conditions and protocols from Monday, May 18, 2020 in Western Australia.
This encouraging step towards the full return of community football in WA has been made possible
by the easing of social distancing restrictions and group gatherings, as announced yesterday by WA
Premier Mark McGowan.

Under the State Government’s COVID-19 WA Road Map, May 18 represents the date that Phase 2
conditions will be applied to WA Communities, which will allow for a return to training.
To ensure the safe return to training from May 18, the WAFC has worked as part of the AFL National
Working Group, considered the AIS Framework for Community Sport and importantly, has aligned
with Government to develop a series of guidelines for clubs to follow.

This includes a checklist for clubs to complete, hygiene and small group training protocols, as well as
online COVID-19 infection control training for key club leaders.
Over the next week all clubs in WA will need to start their planning and preparation if they seek to
return to training from May 18.

It is important that everyone involved with community football in Western Australia clearly
understands the requirements for a safe return to training, so that football continues contributing to
positive community health outcomes, while also increasing the possibility of a full return to play

It is also important to note that although Return to Training in small groups will be permitted, it is
still expected to be some time before football Returns to Play, with a number of Government
restrictions required to be lifted before this occurs.

At present, all State League Competitions, Senior Community Football, Junior and Youth Football,
Auskick Centres, Schools Competitions and participation programs remain postponed until at least
May 31.

The Government will be responsible for guiding football’s progression through the stages for a
Return to Play and make the final decision on when it is safe to take the next step towards full
training and then competition.

The WAFC is also committed to exploring all options to launch a 2020 West Australian Football
League season as soon as possible. This will involve further consideration of financial implications,
the integrity of the competition plus community and player safety as part of our deliberations. We
will also work with Government on the possibility for fans to attend the WAFL this year, as part of
exploring all options to get a season away.

We will be ready to go as soon as the green light is given, knowing what an important role football
can play in reconnecting communities right across our State.

We thank the AFL and WA Government for their input to our Return to Training guidelines, as well as
everyone involved with WA Football for helping to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Everyone’s ongoing support, patience and understanding as we work through this process is greatly
appreciated. Further updates will be provided as soon as they become available.

In the meantime, please look after yourself, your family and everyone involved with your football
club and ensure you follow the protocols for your clubs return to training.
Summary of key conditions:

• Return to training protocols come into effect from May 18.
• Training can resume in groups no larger than 20.
• All training is to remain non-contact
• Footballs are permitted, training equipment such as weights, tackling bags are not.
• Strict hygiene protocols need to be followed
• NO access to change rooms, gym or club rooms
• Groups must train on allocated areas of an oval, no cross over of training groups can occur.
• Social distancing rules still apply
• Clubs must complete return to training checklist and on-line training
• Clubs should make contact with their Local Government
• WAFC recommends the use of the COVID-19 App for all participants.

Gavin Taylor
Wayne Martin
WAFC Chairman

1. Clubs / teams strictly adhere to the maximum of 20 participants (inclusive of coaches), as per the
current State Government restrictions, and following the principle of ‘Get in, Train, Get out’.

2. Strictly no physical contact between players can occur (i.e. no tackling, no bumping, no marking

3. Social distancing of 1.5m must be maintained at all times, along with ensuring only 1 person per

4. No access to club rooms, change rooms or wet areas can occur.

5. Footballs can be used for small group training, however no additional equipment (i.e. bump bags,
weights, etc.) can be used during training.

6. A log, or register, of all participants in attendance at each training session MUST be maintained
and available upon request by either the WAFC or Health authorities. Participants must remain in
the same group, and not switch groups.

7. The Return to Training hygiene practices outlined in this document are to be strictly adhered to.
8. Online education is completed by coaches, presidents and other club personnel.


Hygiene Protocols for a Return to Training
• Alcohol based hand sanitisers must be available for all teams training sessions, with players
encouraged to use prior, during and following training.

• There is strictly to be no sharing of water bottles or towels, and it is important to clean and
disinfect these items following each training session. Disinfect mouth guards after each session.

• Players and coaches should avoid spitting or clearing nasal passages at training.

• Avoid high fives, hand shakes or other physical contact.

• Changerooms, Club Rooms and wet areas are not to be utilised for training i.e. players arrive at
venue in football gear.

• Club provided footballs to be wiped with antibacterial wipes or alcohol-based sanitiser prior to and
after training sessions.

• Players are responsible for their own strapping if required. No player messages.

• If you, or people you have been in contact with are sick, please DO NOT attend training and advise

the football coach. General Hygiene Practices
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds – If soap and water are not
available, use an alcohol based hand sanitiser

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

• Avoid close contact with people who are sick

• Stay home and seek medical treatment when you are sick

• Cover your mouth to cough or sneeze