Gosnells Football and Sports Club (inc) will be nominating one or more teams in the WAAFL woman’s league competition in 2018.
Accordingly, the Club invites applications for the position of coach of Woman’s AFL.
Applicants will display the following:
- Minimum Level 1 Coaching Accreditation (Level 2 preferred)
- With assistance, the demonstrated ability to build up a support group of assistants who may include Assistant Coach, Team Manager, runners and water persons
- Hold (or be willing to obtain) a current ‘Working With Children’ Card
- The ability to work with the Club’s existing coaches
- Have a demonstrated ability to continue to grow adult female football within Club
- Holding a current Senior First Aid Qualification is considered desirable
Gosnells Football Club has a close association with both Gosnells and Huntingdale Junior Football Clubs, and the appointee would be expected to work closely with those Clubs in continuing the development of female AFL football with the area.
Written applications, including a brief Resume, should be forwarded to:
The President
Gosnells Football and Sports Club
PO Box 45
Emailed to goshawks@bigpond.com