Hi everyone,

Just wanted to touch base about the multicultural girls program we will be running coming up at Gosnells oval. The aim is to build up the skills of the girls so they feel comfortable enough to join up to the local club.

It will be Sundays 10-11am:

–          March 4

–          March 11

–          March 18

–          March 25

The WAFC will be providing a female coach but wanted to see if we can please have a club rep pop down over these dates? Really want to push the club link for them because for most of them it would be the first sports club they would have joined so if you wanted to touch on club culture, and explaining training and home and away games etc.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, and feel free to share the flyer around!

Warm regards,


Lauren Reid-Dornbusch

Get Active Project Officer

 Cultural Services | T (08) 9251 5722 | M 0409 993 518

PH: (08) 9350 5770 | E lreid-dornbusch@communicare.org.au
