In accordance with the Constitution of Gosnells Football and Sports Club inc, nominations for the following Committee vacancies are invited:



One position for a 2 year term commencing at the completion of the 2019 Annual General Meeting



Two positions for 2 year terms commencing at the completion of the 2019 Annual General Meeting



  1. In accordance with the Constitution, persons nominating for the positions are to be, as of 31st October 2019, Members with voting rights*.
  2. Nominations are to be in writing on the form specified in the By-Laws (attached) and must be signed by the Candidate and two Members with voting rights*.
  3. Nominees may include the following with their Nomination Form which will be then posted on the Club website:
    1. A photo of the Candidate; and
    2. Details of his or her football experience (if any); and
    3. Details of his or her academic qualifications, skills and experience; and
    4. A statement how the candidate would use those skills and experience to benefit the Club.
  4. A Postal Ballot will be conducted should a ballot for positions be required.
  5. Completed Nomination Forms (attached) and, if desired, the information at 3 (above), are to be returned to the Club by post and received by close of business Friday 15th November.


The postal address is:    

The Secretary

Gosnells Football and Sports Club inc

PO Box 45



  1. A person may nominate for both the President and one of the Committee Member vacancies. Should that person be successful in their nomination for the position of President, their name will be removed from the process of filling vacant Committee Member positions
  2. The 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Club will be conducted at the Club on Sunday 15th December 2019 at 10.30am. A separate Notice will be issued.



Brian Pettitt


Gosnells Football and Sports Club inc

* A member with voting rights is a Life Member or a fully financial Ordinary Member who is aged 18 years of age as at 31st October 2019